SOURCE MATERIAL {SRC-MTRL} is an evolving artwork, research practice + image sourcing company that operates at the nexus of art and culture, transmuting ideas and emotions into a singular visual language that summons the ordinary and the perverse, the banal and the precious, the sublime and the bizarre, through a rigorous process of excavation and reverse engineering. SRC-MTRL is an incubation space dedicated to the conceptual development of a project-specific, visual rhetoric that is innovative and rich with imagistic power.

SRC-MTRL presents evocative images across a range of art forms for a variety of creative and commercial purposes: Film/TV Campaigns, Videos, Artworks, Commissioned Projects, Exhibitions, Publications, and Emerging Forms and Mediums.

Some Collaborators + Partners:
Arthur Jafa, Black Archives, BLKNWS, Bradford Young, John Hillcoat, Kahlil Joseph, Kim Gehrig, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Serial Pictures, Somesuch and SunHaus.